Nice to Meet You

My name is Bianca y con my familia somos estadounidenses en España!🇪🇸 (Can you tell I’m still practicing my Spanish?)

In the summer of 2022 we began the process of looking to leave Texas. As a 3rd generation, native-born Texan, this would prove to be harder than I could’ve imagined. Of course the logistics and documentation required would present a few challenges, but aside from that, there’s a pretty heavy emotional and mental prep required in order to move an entire family. After visiting several other states, we determined that the quality of life we’d truly been searching for would only be found by leaving the US.

Fast forward a couple years, and in September 2024, we landed in Spain after a 1-way flight with myself, my husband, our 8 year old son, and our 15 year old pup riding in-cabin at our feet.

Life in Spain is beautiful, but there’s a LOT to consider when deciding to move abroad. Of course, leaving the US, in theory, sounds amazing! But it won’t be for everyone (and that’s OKAY!). That’s why
I’m here.

Leaving everything behind for the promise of a more peaceful life filled with community and adventure is NOT what you’ll find here. (Sorry to burst your bubble) Leaving EVERYTHING behind is just as it sounds. It teeters on the edge of exciting and terrifying!

This is what it means to leave the comforts of home, stepping into new places, meeting folks with varying perspectives, and allowing it to re-shape your understanding of the world. With such a major life change as this (moving abroad), one can never be too prepared.

So let’s get to work.

Contact us

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!